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Frequently asked questions

Q: Can I sign up a 4-year-old?

A: We don’t accept early 4.  Late 4 (birthday within 3 months) we do accept.


Q: I can’t make it on registration day or Missed it.  What should I do?

A: Just come and sign-up the following week.  You can sign-up up to week 3.


Q: Can anyone take my child to register since I can’t get there on time?

A: Any adult family member can bring and register the student.


Q: What kind of document do I need to bring?

A: None


Q: I have a 5-year-old and a 9-year-old.  Can they be in the same class time?

A: Yes.  Talk to the instructor to make the arrangements.


Q. My child gets scared easily and is shy. What should I do?

A: Tell the child you are going to class to check them out. Introduce the child to the instructor. We have chairs set up inside for parents to sit and watch. Have your child sit next to you and observe the class. When class is over, speak to the instructor. In our experience, the majority of kids decide to join once they realize the class is not as scary as they thought in their minds.


Q: We only want to try it once to see if we like it.  Is that ok?

A: Of course, one of the great things about our program is that we do not require you to sign a binding contract. You simply pay weekly, and when you decide you no longer are interested, do not show up, and you are not obliged to pay anymore. 


Q: My child earned a higher belt from another organization; will he/she start with a white belt again?

A: No, we will honor their last earned belt rank.

© Respectful Responsible Youth of America 2020 

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